Read about our client's stories of justice, and stay up to date on ways to get involved. To receive a quarterly newsletter subscribe at the bottom of the page!
In this newsletter, read about NLS's partnership with RentHelpPGH, the Lawyer of the Day program, the unfortunate passing of former NLS Executive Director and longtime supporter Judge Tony Wettick and about the Champions of Justice Inaugural Pro Bono Awards Luncheon. Click here to read more.
In this newsletter, read about how NLS helped LSC celebrate 50 years on the frontlines of providing free civil legal aid to those in need and about our former client, Chloe, who courageously shared her story of how
NLS stepped in and her and her family by providing free legal aid. Click here to read more.
Read about NLS’s recently adopted strategic plan as well as advocacy in preventing evictions and homelessness. Click here to read more.
In this newsletter, we discuss the LSC Executive Director Conference in Washington, D.C. that Kris Bergstrom was able to attend and its theme of "Leadership in a Time of Transition." We also focus on Pro Bono Month, how free civil legal aid is a critical need as well as welcoming new staff. Click here to read more.
In this newsletter, learn more about NLS's new Executive Director, Kris Bergstrom and her vision for NLS as well as meet our New Pro Bono Managing Attorney, Judy Hale. We also discuss the Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund (PAHAF) and how COVID-19 housing relief is now available. Click here to read more.
In this newsletter, we meet Jill and learn how NLS helped her escape from her abuser. We also discuss the urgent need for the help of more reduced fee attorneys in our outer county offices as well as meet Adam DiBuo, Housing Managing Attorney and pay tribute to Judge Justin M. Johnson one of NLS's original incorporators. Click here to read more.
In this newsletter, we reflect on the retirement of two valued colleagues and how we have been able to help our clients so far during the pandemic. We also interview new staff attorney Melissa Ruggiero about her work with the Elder Law Project. Click here to read more.
In this newsletter, we discuss our gratitude for organizations like ACTION-Housing, Just Mediation Pittsburgh, the Community Justice Project, RentHelpPGH, Carnegie Mellon University’s CREATE Lab, and the Pittsburgh Pro Bono Partnership who partnered with NLS in an effort to combat a rise in evictions in the wake of the pandemic. Find out how NLS helped Rosmarie avoid an eviction during the dead of winter after saving her nephew from homelessness. Click here to read more.
In this newsletter, we discuss why the collaboration between social workers and civil legal aid lawyers is critical to yielding positive benefits for our clients beyond the resolution of the legal problem. To see our impact by the numbers check out our 2020 infographic. Finally, NLS attorney Ed Stevenson is honored by Mon Valley Initiative for a twenty year partnership teaching classes on employment law and expungement of minor criminal offenses. Click here to read more.
In this newsletter, we talk about Agnes's struggle to obtain documentation for her home after her father's passing and how an NLS housing attorney was able to help Agnes transfer the title to her name. We announce NLS's new partnership with Hilltop Alliance to help people like Agnes with Tangled Titles that often prevent them from re-financing, or making necessary home repairs. Finally, we discuss how NLS attorneys are offering on site help with eviction in courtrooms and performing outreach at food drives. Click here to read more.
In this newsletter, we share how NLS lawyers, Meghan Tighe and Susan Abramowich, are helping families navigate their lives during the pandemic. Plus, how the official launch of our new website will allow finding information and applying for legal aid easier than ever before! Click here to read more.
In this newsletter, we discuss the excellent legal work of attorney Donna Allen-Rosemond, as well as the expansion of the Expungement Project. Click here to read more.
In this newsletter, we share how obtaining a Protection From Abuse (PFA) saved Jennifer's family and discuss how clients dealing with trauma deserve to be empowered by their lawyer throughout the legal process. Also we announce the exciting reopening of our Butler office and how we are expanding our services to Victims of Crime. Click here to read more.
In this newsletter, we discuss another client's story of justice and discuss how NLS is preventing eviction through community partnerships. Plus, we check in with our summer law interns and highlight additional ways volunteers can get involved. Click here to read more.

In this newsletter we discuss Dana's story of justice and discuss how innovative technologies can help clients file for bankruptcy. Also, we say goodbye to beloved NLS leader, Phyllis Stevens, who has been the assistant director of the organization for the last 27 years. Click here to read more.

In this newsletter, we share another client's story of justice and introduce you to our Tangled Title Program. Click here to read more.

In this newsletter, we show how Neighborhood Legal Services is making our clients' homes a safer place and highlight Pam Dalton-Arlotti being honored at the PLAN Excellence Awards. Click here to read more.

In this newsletter, we announce our partnership with the Women's Center and Shelter to provide enhanced assessment and emergency legal assistance to victims of crime. Plus, discuss the first ever Expungement Day that was held here in Pittsburgh. Click here to read more.

In this newsletter, we announce how the Medical-Legal Collaborative will address and improve outcomes, engaging in "preventive legal care" alongside "preventive health care". Also, we discuss how a community is speaking out to save NLS's New Castle Office. Click here to read more.

In this newsletter, we recognize the work of an NLS attorney and social worker who fought to secure John's right to public benefits and long-term home care. Additionally, we discuss in depth how NLS is combating the housing crisis. Click here to read more.

In this newsletter, we celebrate the Gridiron Gold - the largest and most successful fundraising event in our agency's 50-year history, raising more than $800,000 dollars! Click here to read more.