You can help!

Thanks to donors like you, NLS has many attorneys who represent clients pro bono and/or at greatly reduced rates. Yet, we still have many more clients than attorneys.

Please give today to ensure everyone in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler and Lawrence Counties in Pennsylvania gets the same chance at equal justice under the law.

A $100 donation

will allow NLS to provide advice to a tenant facing eviction or a parent telephone advice on a custody issue.

A $200 donation

will allow NLS to represent a victim of domestic violence seeking protection.

A $300 donation

allows a client to expunge their criminal record for a fresh start

A $500 donation

secure a family's title to their home allowing them to make necessary repairs.

"Legal aid through NLS saved our lives. I'm certain of it"

From the outside, they looked like a happy, middle-class family. But for Chloe, her twin brother and mother, nothing was further from the truth. Their father’s abuse started when Chloe and her brother were only four years old. They needed free legal aid after exhausting their financial resources fighting domestic and child abuse in the courts for years without success.

After one more horrifying visit with their dad, Chloe’s mom gathered all the documentation of abuse and took her children to the police station. Fortunately, the on-duty detective knew about the local crisis shelter and recommended the family go there. In turn, the center contacted NLS for legal aid.

“Our NLS attorney refused to leave the courtroom until the judge agreed we weren’t safe with my dad. The abuse was finally over. I never saw my biological father again.” 


- Chloe | Pittsburgh, PA

"Without Neighborhood Legal Services, I would have lost my home."

At age 86 and legally blind, Willa risked losing her home of 60 years to foreclosure for failing to make monthly payments that were substantially more than her monthly social security benefit. This untenable situation was created when a lender approached the elderly woman, who owned her home free and clear, and promised to make repairs in exchange for pacing a lien on the property.

Willa's home then was mortgaged for triple its market value and the promised repairs never started. NLS successfully defended against the Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint asking for damages against the lender. A negotiated settlement was reached requiring the lender to cancel her contract and the mortgage.

The Complaint was withdrawn and Willa again owns her home debt-free.


- Willa | Pittsburgh, PA

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