Jayla's Story

Children should never face eviction. Thanks to you, many won’t. Jayla* was an expecting mother who was suddenly facing threat of eviction. She suddenly owed three month’s rent at a higher rate after needing to take maternity leave, due to a miscommunication of income to the housing authority. Can you imagine having to juggle the stress of dealing with government agencies while raising a newborn?
Our kids pay the price of eviction.
Evictions during infancy have been linked to late cognitive development. Children who have been evicted are 4 times more likely to quit school before graduating. Jayla felt pinned, worried about disrupting her child’s support network, until she reached out to NLS. Jayla had gotten a new job, but her employer wouldn’t approve time off for the court hearings. NLS attorney Nick Brady “stepped in like a fairy godmother,” Jayla said, going to court in her stead. Jayla’s debt was paid, and the housing authority adjusted her assistance to its proper level.
Thanks to people like you, Jayla’s baby can grow up in safe, stable housing and have the best chance of staying in school.
*Names have been changed to protect client’s safety and privacy.