Joan Tutak
Staff Attorney
Current Role
Joan Tutak is a staff attorney based in the Butler County office of Neighborhood Legal Services, where she handles Social Security cases primarily for residents of Beaver, Butler, and Lawrence counties. Also, she regularly assists clients at the NLS Debt Advice clinics, and provides telephone advice and counsel to clients needing guidance with unemployment compensation matters. She occasionally mentors newer NLS attorneys in the area of Social Security law, and provides community presentations on the topic of Social Security as well. Finally, she is the NLS representative for the Butler Emergency Response Initiative (BERI), a local organization dedicated to helping meet essential needs of Butler County residents when there has been a significant emergency.
Previous Experience:
Prior to coming to NLS in July, 2000, Joan worked in several capacities as an attorney. She gained experience in the area of real estate law by working at a small law firm, followed by employment at a large real estate corporation. She also clerked for the Pa. Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, and, for a period of time shortly before her employment at NLS, Joan had a small private practice. She credits her interest in the law being spurred on by working as a legal advocate after completing her undergraduate education.
Joan earned her J.D. from Duquesne University School of Law in 1993. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Writing and Speech Communications from the University of Pittsburgh in 1983.
Bar Association Memberships/Admissions
Butler County Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association
Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network (PLAN) Excellence Award-2020