Doreen Mitchell
Special Project Coordinator
Professional Experience
Doreen L. Mitchell is currently the Special Project Coordination for Housing for NLS. She is the point of contact expediting referral processes amongst project partners from housing eviction/foreclosure prevention program operators, which include (URA, DHS, RentHelpPGH, Just Mediation Pittsburgh, CDBG and PA HAF). She triages and determines the kind of help needed and then connects cases to attorneys for legal help, then following the cases and updating the housing program partners.
She is a team player and works directly with the Intake Coordinator to help to support the intake unit needs including helping to train support staff and fielding questions from other staff on a daily basis regarding intake procedures and eligibility.
Her recent past position at NLS was Expungement Coordinator. Doreen worked hand in hand with the attorneys in the Employment Section of NLS to ensure clients received the best services NLS has to offer.
Doreen facilitated in person and online Expungement Outreach in Beaver, Butler, Lawrence and Allegheny Counties. She assessed clients for eligibility for NLS and the Duquesne University Expungement program. She also worked with Harvard Law School on a special Expungement Study and was one of their top recruiters in the county.
Doreen also previously served as the Receptionist, Legal Secretary, Bookkeeper and Notary in the now closed McKeesport NLS Office. Prior to moving to the Pittsburgh Office, she received her certification as a Paralegal and earned a two-year degree w/honors in Legal Studies.
Once in the Pittsburgh Office she moved into the PFA Coordinator position, performing every aspect of PFA work, including working daily at the PFA office. After she left this position for the Intake Unit this job was divided up to multiple personnel doing what she once did. Doreen has trained numerous clerical and intake persons and mentored multiple high school students placed at NLS for work experience.
Doreen serves on the Hiring Committee, the Labor /Management Committee and worked on the committee that formed our now Centralized Intake Unit and is still willing to help anywhere she can. Additionally, Doreen is a Co-President of (ICLAW) the Iron City Legal Assistance Workers, which is our local union of Legal Workers affiliated with NOLSW and the UAW.
2019 - Congress of Christian Education Award
Excellence in Planning and Leadership
2017 - Woman of the Year
Excellence in Leadership
2022 - PLAN Excellence Award Recipient
Doreen earned her Paralegal Certification and her Associates Degree in Legal Studies at Community College of Allegheny County.