LSC-043 50th One-Pagers_General (sw)1.3 bannerr

LSC: 50 Years of Helping to Close the Justice Gap

For 50 years, the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) has been Protecting the Promise of justice for all by providing millions of Americans throughout the country with access to legal resources that have had a life-changing impact.   As one of NLS’s most important funders and supporters, we congratulate LSC on 50 years of dedication to closing the Justice Gap.

LSC is the single largest funder of civil legal aid for low-income Americans in the nation. Established in 1974, LSC operates as an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that promotes equal access to justice and provides grants for high-quality civil legal assistance to low-income Americans. LSC distributes more than 90 percent of its total funding to 131 independent nonprofit legal aid programs with more than 800 offices.

As an NLS supporter for over 50 years we could not provide civil legal aid without LSC’s critical help.  LSC funding comes to NLS by a competitive grants process; conducting compliance reviews and program visits to oversee program quality and compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements as well as restrictions that accompany LSC funding, and by providing training and technical assistance to programs.

As part of NLS’s recognition of LSC’s long-term, critical support, the organization will be promoting LSC’s 50 years of service on its social media platforms, including Instagram and Facebook.  To stand up for civil legal aid, to take the pledge to demonstrate your support for the civil legal aid that gives millions of low-income Americans access to justice or to learn more about LSC, visit:

You can also make a donation to NLS in honor of LSC’s 50th Anniversary by clicking here.

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